Prakshi Malik is an award-winning filmmaker and dancer working creatively and collaboratively to make films that sway our collective imaginations. She grew up in Delhi, India and is currently based in Minneapolis, Mni Sota Makoce, on Dakota and Anishinaabe land.

Prakshi's background in dance and ensemble theatre influences her empathy as a director and her rhythm as an editor. Her work has been supported by Austin Film Society, City of Minneapolis, St Paul Neighborhood Network and a community of friends. Prakshi’s films have screened internationally at festivals like New Orleans Film Festival, PBS Short Film Festival, Jaipur International Film Festival, Tasveer South Asian Film Festival among others. Her award-winning editing work ranges from short documentaries to a narrative feature, experimental dance films and branded videos.

Prakshi has trained in Kuchipudi dance, West African dance and performed with Ananya Dance Theatre. She holds a BA in Media and Cultural Studies from Macalester College and MFA in Film Production from the University of Texas at Austin. Prakshi is a member of Brown Girls Doc Mafia, Asian American Documentary Network and Alliance of Documentary Editors.

In telling women’s stories from diasporic and global communities of color, how to preserve the tenderness and the resistance?

In the language of cinema, how to distill the emotional truths?


Current Projects and Updates:


Directed by Alfred Sanders and Prakshi Malik

The family and friends of Abuka Sanders, a father, musician and entrepreneur who was killed by the Minneapolis Police Department twenty years ago, speak to the lingering impact of losing him to police violence, intergenerational trauma and the healing needed after the protests and hashtags go away.

Supported by the Creative Response Fund from the City of Minneapolis, and the Fresh Vantage Post Grant from St. Paul Neighborhood Network


BAAHAR: Distribution on PBS

Watch Baahar on PBS as part of an anthology of indie short films by filmmakers from Minnesota, curated by FilmNorth.